Game Based Learning In Higher Education-Crocco

This note last modified September 23, 2021

#notesFromPaper Year : Tags : #largeScale #GBL #killerPaper Authors: Crocco Offenholley Hernandez

GBL studies are shitty and qualitative. Can we get some quantitative analysis in here? Like actually the first few pages just roast the rest of the literature.

Spoiler, more enjoyment, more internalization

Could GBL engagement effects be due to novelty alone, instead of long term.


  • Connection between self-reported enjoyment and performance on tests?
  • Lower order thinking? Higher order thinking?
  • Does confidence correspond with self-reported enjoyment and performance in tests?

440 students. That’s largeScale. Diverse too, Math, Health Sci, English. Faculty were included in actually making the games.

All of the fields made their own games.

Gave post material quizzes with surface level and deeper questions based on Bloom's Taxonomy

GBL had higher enjoyment.

Increased enjoyment means increased learning, and games increase enjoyment (even if the direct link isn’t significant)

GBL better for high anxiety and low confidence, eases the learning process.