Reflection In Player Experience-Mekler
Year : Tags : Authors: Mekler Iacovides Bopp
Abstract implies game transformations are low level
some discussion on theorycrafting
thematic analysis of 19 player interviews.
Players reflect during and around gameplay.
games introduce players to new concepts.
players often play games that don’t encourage reflection.
Seemed to use Fleck and Fitzpatrick's reflection framework
Reflective description: Why you did something, but without deeper thought. You almost knew the answer before you started thinking about it. Or claiming you’re unsure about something but not knowing why.
Dialogical Reflection: relationships between things or questioning things in a basic way.
transformative reflection: revisiting an event with the intent to change one’s behavior, gain new insights, or reconsider personal assumptions.
There was little evidence of reflecting on a social or ethical level.
we think reflection should induce change, but it seems reflection doesn’t necessarily cause that, and players value reflection regardless.
reminiscing and having emotionally resonant moments doesn’t necessarily lead to reflection.
Baumer [3] argues that levels of reflection are independent, but not necessarily linear.
Higher levels of reflection aren’t even necessarily more desirable, each piece of reflection’s content should be taken individually.
players took breaks, and that caused reflection.
Interviews were conducted long after players had played, though maybe that’s a good thing because reflection takes time