Translational Resources Between Academic Research And Hci Practice-Colusso

This note last modified March 25, 2024

#notesFromPaper Year : Tags : solutions to academia industry divide #reflectiveFrameworkValidation Authors: Colusso Bennett Hsich Munson

  • barriers to using academic resources
    • complex writing style
    • bad format
    • overlap between effective HCI and deceptive design
    • no focus towards pragmatic details
    • hard to find relevant papers
    • paywalls
  • cards are effective

Resources that designers are most likely to use in certain phases of design.

A lotta good elaboration on this chart in the paper.

Regarding #reflectiveFrameworkValidation:

Has a lot of great stuff when we’re actually designing our card deck… Their methods aren’t significantly more complex than “we interviewed them and prompted them with existing design resources”.