Important read next
Read something on androgogic debriefing and organize the rest of these.
Zigmont, J. J., Kappus, L. J., & Sudikoff, S. N. (2011, April). The 3D model of debriefing: defusing, discovering, and deepening. In Seminars in perinatology (Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 52-58). WB Saunders.
Rudolph, J. W., Simon, R., Rivard, P., Dufresne, R. L., & Raemer, D. B. (2007). Debriefing with good judgment: combining rigorous feedback with genuine inquiry. Anesthesiology clinics, 25(2), 361-376.
Rudolph, J.W., Simon, R., Raemer, D.B. and Eppich, W.J. (2008), Debriefing as Formative Assessment: Closing Performance Gaps in Medical Education. Academic Emergency Medicine, 15: 1010-1016.
Rudolph, Jenny W. PhD; Simon, Robert EdD; Dufresne, Ronald L. MS; Raemer, Daniel B. PhD. There’s No Such Thing as “Nonjudgmental” Debriefing: A Theory and Method for Debriefing with Good Judgment. Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare 1(1):p 49-55, Spring 2006.
Reflective Games
- all the readings in “empathy games”
- embedded design kaufman (exists)
- Slovak’s reflective practicum 2017
- Reread evaluating serious experience in games
- R. Wylie and M. T. H. Chi, “The Self-Explanation Principle in Multimedia Learning,” in The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 413–432.
- J. E. Richey and T. J. Nokes-Malach, “How much is too much? Learning and motivation effects of adding instructional explanations to worked examples,” Learn. Instr., vol. 25, pp. 104–124, 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2012.11.006.
- D. B. Clark, S. S. Virk, J. Barnes, and D. M. Adams, “Self-explanation and digital games: Adaptively increasing abstraction,” Comput. Educ., vol. 103, pp. 28–43, Dec. 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2016.09.010.
- Weaver & Lewis Mirrored Morality
- Kremar & Cingel Moral Foundations Theory
- Melcer, Digra 2022, unintended learning in commercial video games.
- Tamborini, the influence of morality subcultures on the acceptance and appeal of violence
- Fairplay game: did it work?
- VR Game for creating empathy in abusers
Digitally altered consciousness
- tuning stressful experiences in a VR game (exists)
- modifiers in adaptive video game music (exists)
Research Creation
- Methods for examining game design
- Apparently Will Odem has good RtD?
- Clara Fernandez Vara Game analysis guide
Qualitative Methods
- Hogan, the elicitation interview technique
- Look through the chapters in Game Research Methods (
- Rhode island council on the humanities evaluation toolkit
- Gee, introduction to discourse analysis, 2004 (there may be better ones, ask Josh)
- Construction of knowledge online, James & Busher 2009
- Willis, Jost, Nilakanta 2007 Foundations of qualitative research
- Birks & Mills: Grounded Theory, a practical guide
- Guba & Lincoln Naturalistic Inquiry
- sense making model / knowledge management model
Psychological Reactance
- backfire effect
- Reactance in HCI
- (this one looks pretty good)
- Psychological Reactance (Brehm, exists)
Benefits of Games
- Zombie division and intrinsic integration
- Benefits of playing non-action games on cognition
- Using game design patterns in learning
- Game Based Learning
- More than serious: A game to treat ADHD (
- Negative effects of gamification in education, Toda, Valle 2017
- Kolb’s learning cycle (describes learning goals from a constructivist angle)
- Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning (NEU e-library. The ends of chapters are really good)
- Zimmerman, 2009, Self-regulation where metacognition and motivation intersect.
- Biggs has two papers on constructive alignment (exists)
- Expertise reversal effect about reducing structure after people have competency
- Casel Framework
- Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Pedagogy Patterns
- Instructional complexity
- Anderson Dalsen, failure learning through discourse ([4] in Failure In Games-Foch)
- Teaching as a design science
Philosophy in the classroom
- Teaching philosophy through roleplaying
- Designing Technology to support reflection
- Survey On Teaching With Digital
- Schrier: Designing and using games to teach ethics and ethical thinking
- Campbell 2007: How can we know that ethics education produces ethical doctors?
- Hejase & Tabch: Ethics Education, an assessment case of the American University of Science and Technology-Lebanon
- Paul & Elder: Critical Thinking, competency standards essential to the cultivation of essential skills
- Ryan & Bisson. Can Ethics be taught?
- Elliot: Ethics in the first person, a guide to teaching and learning practical ethics
Game & Explorable Design
- Kate Compton’s Work on Casual Creators.
- Intrinsically Motivating Play (
- Explorables tutorials
- Goeey Gut, CHIplay 2022, eduboardgame
- Design Science in Information systems research (exists, Seth)
- character believability in games
- Designing for Discomfort Squinky (
- pals in power armor besmann (anthropomorphization in games)
- Well played 2.0, games value and meaning
- Against procedurality (
- On endogenous design
- Mary Flanagan Critical Play
Games User Research
- Game Design Research (
- Games User Research (
- Another Games User Research (
- Reviewing Reflection: On the use of reflection in interactive system design
- Evaluating Serious Experience In (exists)
- Gaming Motivation (exists)
- Self Reflection Through Roleplay In Chimeria Grayscale-Ortizhas some more at the beginning of the reflection section.
- Why Is Ar
Violent Video Games
- Violent Video Games Makes Players Violent (exists)
- Games and Aggression (exists)
- General aggression model (exists)
- Implicit association test effects of video games (exists)
- Hartmann Moral Disengagement in violent video games
- (game to teach AI)
Pure Philosophy
- Transgressions: The Offences of Art, Anthony Julius
- Virtual Existentialism - Gualeni
- Weapons of Math Destruction
- Automating Inequality
- Computers as Theater - Brenda Laurel
- The creative Mind, Boden. Apparently Chapter 4 has some stuff on what creativity is.
- Pierre Duhem physical theory and experiment
- Conceptualization Of Skill (exists)
- Brain Computation By Assemblies Of (downloaded)
- Work Group (exists)
- Gender Stereotypes In Modern
- Research design and method: a process approach, Kenneth Bordens, Bruce Abbott
Things to google
the generation effect of memory and the self-explanation principle of instructional design