teaching at a university

This note last modified March 4, 2025

https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~mernst/advice/academic-job.html Applying

  • SLAC applications tend to be looking for someone really specific (teach one specific course) or teach very generally.
  • SLACs want a generalist. How does your research area enable you to be a generalist?
  • You want to prove you’d fit their program. Look at their mission statement.
  • Where to apply:
  • Negotiate salaries and startup funds
  • Depth on one thing is better than many little things.
  • Be different from templates
  • Why are you interested in teaching? Do you have fun trying things in classrooms?
  • At a SLAC you’ll prioritize some classes, but you’ll have to teach them all. Are you excited to teach intro classes?
  • How will you adapt if things aren’t going well?
  • Passion for working with others.
  • Look at existing curriculum. What would you add or change?

Do you fit at the Uni?

Evaluating Teaching Faculty Positions

Questions to ask:

  • What are the service requirements?
  • What is the teaching load?
  • How does your department make decisions?
    • How do you determine chair and responsibilities?
    • What is your relationship with administration?
  • Job security? Is there a tenure process?
  • What’s the surrounding town like? Do you like living there?
  • How many preps?

Researching the Uni:

  • Is the debt to revenue ratio bad? Like 5x debt?
  • Moody’s credit rating
  • CRA and TIAA publish salary information

Unis to look out for

  • Grinnell
  • Purdue