Charectaristics Of Game Transfer Phenomena-Ortiz

This note last modified January 23, 2025

#notesFromPaper Year : Tags : Authors: Ortiz Griffiths #unread

Built off of Game Transfer Phenomena-Ortiz to see the prevalence of various types of GTP

I’m not going to bother fully reading this, but this might be great to come back to to get stats about GTP.

Altered perceptions 93.9 Altered visual perceptions sub-modality 84.8 Visualized/seen VG images with closed eyes 76.8 Misperceived a real-life object as something from a VG 45.5 Seen distorted real-life environments and/or objects 35.7 Seen VG images with open eyes 30.6 Altered body perceptions sub-modality 72.7 Bodily sensations of movement as if being in a VG 50.9 Perceived time and/or feeling the body differently after playing a VG 49.3 Tactile touch sensation associated with a VG 41.3 Felt as though the mind has disconnected from the body after playing 28.5 Altered auditory perceptions sub-modality 85.2 Heard the music from a VG when not playing 73.9 Misinterpreted a sound in real life as something from a VG 65.3 Heard a sound from a VG when not playing 64.6 Heard a character’s voice from a VG when not playing 45.9 II. Automatic mental processes modality 87.4 Thinking about using something from a VG in real life 74.6 Wanted or felt the urge to do something in real life after seeing something that reminded me of a VG 72.3 Have experienced still being in the mindset of a VG after playing 62.8 Have momentarily mixed up VG events with actual real-life events 42.5 III. Actions and behavior modality 77.7 Sang, shouted, or said something from a VG in real life unintentionally 57.9 Unintentionally acted differently in real-life situations because something experienced in a VG 48.8 Reflex body reaction associated with a VG 44.2 Acted out a behavior or performed an activity influenced by a VG 39.8