Improving The Comprehension Of Large Numbers Through Infovis-Staudinger
Year : 2018 Tags : Authors: Staudinger
Fantastic resource on communicating large numbers and wealth inequality.
Their framework:
- Unitization
- describe X in terms of number of Y
- Comparison
- Use a similar item that people know.
- Analogy
- Similar to comparison, but do a unit conversion first. (e.g. visualize the U.S. debt as a road trip across the U.S.)
- Zoom
- have multiple steps of comparison, each of which steps up to the next
- One to One Correspondence
- Just use a loooot of symbols, and make the visualization space big. (e.g. each pixel represents a hundred dollar bill. Here’s how much the war in Iraq costs)
- Space, Time, and Sound
- Essentially “analogy”, but use space, time, and sound as your new units