Moral Intuitions And Video Game Decisions-Joeckel

This note last modified May 11, 2022

#notesFromPaper Year : Tags :intuitionism in games Authors: Joeckel Bowman Dogruel

morals are often intuitive (thinking fast and slow)

psych studies often use simulations assuming that the simulations will match real world behavior, but past work has shown that people see violent behavior as separate (and are ok doing it) but see taboo behavior (rape, child murder) as still not ok.

Do virtual actions have meaning in their own right?

What is the morality of virtual actions beyond simplistic violence. What about harm, fairness, authority, loyalty, purity

talks a lot about moral foundations theory and moral salience

specifically they hypothesize that salience will lead to non-transgressions and non-salience will lead to random transgressions.

Do old and young people differ in how they view moral scenarios in games due to (A) different moral matrices and (B) different experiences with games. (for younger folk it may be easier to separate games from reality)

Players were told they were evaluating a game, then were given 6 scenarios testing moral foundations. (5 for the various matrices, 1 “neutral” one)

used a moral foundations questionnaire created by Haidt

The first part of their hypothesis was correct, more salient modules were less transgressed.

Germans were liberal?? US adolescents were conservative?? No major differences between nationalities?

German elders violated authority a lot because they grew up in authoritarian regimes.

Conclusion: moral salience predicts moral transgressions in video games

moral games