Spent Affective Learning Towards Homelessness-Ruggiero

This note last modified March 26, 2021

#notesFromPaper Year : Tags : homelessness Authors: Ruggiero

Playing Spent increased affective learning, though from just the abstract its unclear what that entirely means.

Low SES led to more engaged players of affective games??

some talk about immersion and self efficacy

Has some discussion about The McDonalds Game and The Redistricting Game

Used the Affective Learning Inventory as a way to see if there was change in affective learning

there’s some interesting stuff in here about how they set up the pre / post test.

created a model based on pretest scores and groups, this model could predict their posttest scores

the study results were not that strong, and this paper is definitely trying to present their negative results with caveats and such…

The discussion is just written in such a weird way… Like it talks about how results are significant but then follows it up by so many weird caveats that its like “but is it significant?”