correctness is irrelevant

This note last modified March 26, 2023

Don’t stop asking questions, even when you’re sure you’re right. Sure, global warming is real, and everyone who doesn’t accept that is wrong, but if you just say that, throw your hands up, and stop thinking, then you miss out on so many interesting questions.

I think a huge turning point in my maturity was when I started to ask deeper questions about why there were so many people who held “the objectively wrong” belief, and what I’d do with that information.

In a similar vein, you can be entirely right, but still an asshole.

I was once looking for a girl and described her as “fat”. My friends all gave me crap for it, but I didn’t understand. It was just a descriptor, one that was accurate. Why not use it? There’s a lot more to things than being technically correct.

People often try to win arguments by being technically correct. Stop trying to be correct, and start ironmanning

  • Why do people believe the things they do?
  • If I’m convinced I’m right, what right or responsibility do I have to push my views onto them?