gameplay log

This note last modified September 28, 2022

Look at the gameworld, emergent behavior and situations

  • How does the game allow players to save their progress? Are there restrictions to the activity? How and why?
  • Is “saving” as a mechanism integrated somehow into the game world to provide coherence, or is some more obtrusive method offered?
  • Are there situations where avatars can “break the rules” of the game? How and why?
  • A re there situations that appear that the producers probably did not intend? What are they and how do they work?
  • Does the game make references to other media forms or other games? How do these intertextual references function?
  • How are avatars presented? How do they look? Walk? Sound? Move? Are these variables changeable? Are they stereotypical?
  • Does the game fit a certain genre? Does it defy its stated genre? How and why?