jobs in academia

This note last modified December 2, 2021

These are rough notes from a seminar on how to get academic teaching positions

Spectrum of faculty from Research -> Teaching

  • R1 Faculty
  • Teaching / Regional Faculty
    • Might be the worst, as you get little support and have a high teaching / research load.
  • Liberal Arts Faculty
  • Teaching-Track Faculty
  • Instructor/Lecturer/Teacher

It’s easier to move towards teaching, to go down the list rather than up (This doesn’t necessarily mean start at the top of the list and work your way down, that’s a lot of extra work and burnout)

How to get tenure: graduate a student, have 500K of grants, and get papers published.

Teaching track faculty, it’s the wild west in terms of policies and contracts. Some have some security, some don’t

How is grant writing different than normal writing? - Grant writing is a combination of logistics, persuasive writing, and following strict guidelines from various funding agencies.