
This note last modified November 5, 2022

I feel like people go through “phases of socializing” depending on where they are in life and what they’re looking for. People initially have a focus on “activities”, doing social things they enjoy in a bid to find others like them. With some friends gathered, people shift their focus from activities to people, being more and more ok with trying different activities, as long as they are with people they enjoy. Finally, people shift from doing group activities to focusing on individual bonds, deepening connections and whatnot.

Setting up large, inclusive events is awesome for phase 1. Setting up smaller, reliable events is great for phase 2. Setting up organic, individual events is great for phase 3. One of my biggest failures in college was that I didn’t deepen my individual connections with people.

everyone socializes differently

From Dunbar's Layers: People need constant, positive, personal interactions with others. Second, they need to know their bond is stable, that there is mutual concern, and that this attachment will continue.