This note last modified November 21, 2022

  • mechanics: what a player can do in a game
  • dynamics: what strategies and higher level actions those mechanics allow
  • aesthetics: the feelings that are created by dynamics.

An example: DOOM (2016) has a mechanic by which the player can get ammo and health by aggressively killing an enemy. This creates the dynamic where low health players are incentivized to be aggressive instead of hiding in fear, which finally creates the aesthetic of tension (“will I kill the enemy and get health before they kill me?”) and the aesthetic of nonstop aggression (I’m an unstoppable killing machine, even when I’m hurt, I just KILL HARDER)

Designers often implement mechanics (which of course, lead to dynamics and aesthetics). Instead, designers should think about the aesthetics they want to create, then think about what dynamics would support that aesthetic, and which mechanics would support that dynamic.

Game Design Research-Lankoski Chapter 4 has some interesting discussion about the limitations of MDA