Intrinsic Skill Atoms For Gameful Design

This note last modified November 21, 2022

#notesFromPaper Year : 2015 Tags : #survey Author: Deterding

motivation vs enjoyment

HCI should look into using games for understanding motivation in other HCI contexts

!free play vs !gamefulness

gameful design

talks about the PENS model which is itself based on SDT

edutainment that merely uses games to cover up distasteful parts of learning (chocolate covered broccoli) has historically failed. All activities can be motivating and enjoyable, but the system needs to be holistically created.


UI design is about removing unnecessary challenges, game design is about adding them. Talks about toys vs tools

autoelotic vs exoelotic

don’t create challenges that add enjoyment in an edutainment sense, instead identify the challenges that are already there and restructure them in a motivating way

skill atom

because game design lenses were too game specific, this book created motivational design lens