Social and emotional learning
Real SEL events are complex social experiences, so how do we simulate those? Removing enough to make a reasonable teaching moment, while not oversimplifying.
In contrast to SEL, declarative learning is direct, fact based, and measurable via an exam. For example, learning that a human is a mammal is declarative learning.
Generally a pretty pessimistic paper on GBL. Talks a bit about how the SEL benefits from games are near self evident
Assuming that it is correct (which I feel is reasonable because no alarm bells went off as I read it), I think this is my major takeaway: Games and declarative learning don’t work well together; past studies haven’t shown too much of a benefit. There are a variety of reasons that this might be the case. Games are better for SEL. There are a variety of ways for the field of GUR to improve itself, which I’ve detailed above.
There have been recent pushes to study games which enable social and emotional learning. Reflective games are well suited to this task. As examples, see Spent and Papers Please.
these children are less exposed to other children and are stunted in SEL
SEL programs
An analysis of Quandary and whether games could be used for SEL, learning philosophy, moral learning
Wonderful source of icebreaker games and games that help build SEL